Dr. Mahmood Ahmad

The Impact of Social Media on Posture

The Impact of Social Media on Posture

Social media has become an integral part of daily life, influencing various aspects of health and well-being. One often overlooked consequence is its impact on posture. As people spend prolonged hours on smartphones, tablets, and computers engaging with social media,…

Physiotherapy Meets Cognitive Health

Physiotherapy Meets Cognitive Health

Brain Boosting Through Exercise As physiotherapists, we focus on improving our patients’ physical health and mobility. However, it’s also crucial to consider how exercise and physical activity can influence cognitive health. Recent research has highlighted the significant impact that physical…

Role Of Exercises In Maintaining Low Back Pain

Role Of Exercises In Maintaining Low Back Pain

Low back pain (LBP) is a broad term encompassing various conditions, with approximately 80% of adults experiencing it at some point in their lives. This type of pain is defined as discomfort located between the bottom of the ribs and the…

Impact of Forward Head Posture on Cervical Spine Health

Impact of Forward Head Posture on Cervical Spine Health

The increasing use of smartphones and computers has led to poor posture habits among frequent users. Forward Head Posture (FHP) is a common issue associated with poor neck alignment, often occurring alongside Upper Crossed Syndrome. This condition is characterized by an…