Category: Info

The Impact of Social Media on Posture

The Impact of Social Media on Posture

Social media has become an integral part of daily life, influencing various aspects of health and well-being. One often overlooked consequence is its impact on posture. As people spend prolonged hours on smartphones, tablets, and computers engaging with social media,…

The Role of Physical Therapy in Postpartum Recovery

The Role of Physical Therapy in Postpartum Recovery Postpartum recovery is a crucial phase that involves healing and restoring the body after childbirth. Physical therapy plays a vital role in helping new mothers regain strength, mobility, and function during this…

Best Cervical Herniated Disk Exercises & Stretches

Best Cervical Herniated Disk Exercises & Stretches

Cervical Herniated Disk Exercises Neck and shoulder pain is increasingly common in today’s world due to sedentary lifestyles, prolonged screen time, and poor posture. One of the major causes of chronic neck pain is cervical disc herniation, a condition that…

Ischial Bursitis Treatment Exercises for Pain Relief

Ischial Bursitis Treatment Exercises for Pain Relief

Dealing with ischial bursitis can feel like a pain in the you guessed it bottom. This condition, often nicknamed “weaver’s bottom,” results from inflammation of the bursa located near the ischial tuberosity, the bony part of your pelvis that you…